Wednesday, June 6

At Church on Sunday....

the youth minister gave the sermon, during which he read a letter that a high school senior wrote as part of his application to NYU. I wish I could quote the letter verbatim, but it was too long. The one part I do remember, which gave all of us quite a good laugh is:

" Years ago I discovered the meaning of life.........and forgot to write it down."

The funniest part to me was that the person who said this was only 18 at the time. Such is the problem with all sorts of ideas. We go about our daily activities; running errands, working, driving here and there....while all sorts of wonderful ideas (or weird ones, or fantasies) run through our minds, and we don't make a note of them. In some instances, I'm sure that's a very good thing! But remember, you might just be discovering the secret to life and don't realize it - so write down your ideas. At the very least, you'll have blog fodder. And who knows - maybe someday you'll solve all the world's problems.

I'm happy that I wrote down that quote!


awareness said...

love the quote! Will try to incorporate it into a conversation tomorrow at work..... :)

Anonymous said...

OH, I'm stealing the quote.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

That's how I feel still....! And I'm a lot older than 18...LoL...

But you are so should keep a book of some sort and a pencil/pen..with them at all times, and write down everything like that...ideas and thoughts that can so easily slip away.

joared said...

Oh gee, guess there's nothing to do but just live life, if you forget what the meaning of it is. He gives new meaning to "senior moment," if he was a senior in high school. Really like his quote!

Definitely, pad and pencil are good to have around for all our profound thoughts. ;-)

Anna said...

Great it Judy!

Bobkat said...

Great quote!

I have forgotten so many things as I didn't / couldn't write them down at the time. But here's the thing - how come I remember that I've forgotten them! LOL!

Jamie Dawn said...

Also, I find if I don't keep a running grocery list, I will inevitably forget to get something. That just happened to me this very week. I went shopping without a list and forgot one of the major items I needed. I should know better!!

I just discovered a cure for obesity, and I am going to write it down right HERE:

Eat Less.

WHY is that so hard to DO????
Gotta go have some truffles now.

Badabing said...

Great quote Judy. And I totally agree with you about writing things down. I try to carry a journal with me most of the time and it is great for jotting down blogging thoughts. In fact, just this morning I did that for today's post on my blog. said...

I have learned from blogging that if you have an idea, better write it down!
There has been times I had a great idea and by the time I got home I had forgotten.

Kay Dennison said...

Great quote! Puts me in mind of The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy's answer to life, the Universe, and everything: 42.

I save quotes, I collect them constantly and this one goes in the collection. Thanks!

Maybe Me said...

Haha! Excellent advice. I should remember this one too.

tiff said...

Like trying to remember a dream more than 5 minutes after you've awakened!

Many times I've lost a great poem or post or notion because I didn't write it down, thinking I'd "always remember" something so great.

Yeah, right.

Carolyn said...

oh gosh, I do that all the time! I think of great song lyrics, but never have pen & paper, think I'll write them down later, then forget them. Why, if I had a quarter for every golden lyrical word turned platinum album outta my mouth...

Unknown said...

My blog has become my second brain. There are tons of notes I've made that I'll probably never post, but they are in my Silverpoint notebook for centuries to come.

carmilevy said...

Me too. My grandfather used to keep a stack of index cards and some pens on his nightstand. He'd often wake up in the middle of the night with some idea on his brain. He'd scribble it down, toss the card on the floor, then go back to bed.

Often, he repeated the process many times in one night. Once, he woke up to find over 70 cards on his floor.

When morning came, he would rewrite most of them, then carefully file them in a filing cabinet. When he died, my uncle took the cabinet and entered all of them into a database, which we keep to this day.

I'm glad he wrote it all down. It's as if I have a piece of him with me.

Travelin'Oma said...

That's a great quote. I've wrote it down as soon as I saw it, and I can't find it!

Andi said...

I don't have a problem writing down all my blogging ideas...just finding the time to go through & follow-up on them.