Friday, February 9

What Would You Say?

For my first public post here at
Imagine What I'm Leaving Out,
I want some interaction, please!

What is your best caption for this photo? Make me laugh, please.
I'll be so tired from working for Valentine's Day that reading your fun answers will cheer me.


Anonymous said...

You light up my life

Anonymous said...

i quite seriously have only one singular thing to say: this is the best thing i've seen ALL day. how awesome is he with his GLOWING parts? so awesome.

here via michele...via your old site...

Michael K. Althouse said...

Who lit his fire??

Great new blog Judy. I love the name. Allow me to be the first to Blog Roll you!


carmilevy said...

Two things come to mind:

Do you like my thing?

Someday, I hope to move out of my mother's basement.

Seriously, his, um, unit is going to give me nightmares.

Tia said...

"These days the personal assistants are made so much more life-like - and easy to find in the dark!"

Shephard said...

Bob loved his job with Disney, but didn't much like his costume at the new Tron Attraction.

Star said...

I am so bad at this type of thing. Just wanted to say hi at the new place.

rennratt said...

"Oh, dear God, Dad has dressed himself again"

bluemountainmama said...

"COme on baby, light my fire.."

Peter said...

Hi there, I’ve been relying on using Bloglines to do my daily rounds of the blogroll for a while now, it’s a very time saving method but it feels a bit impersonal at times, so it’s a hot Saturday, I’m gonna sit here and visit with everyone, It won’t feel any different to you but know that I chose to visit today instead of just answering an electronic reminder.
Have a good day.
Does Mr Kenju know you've posted his picture? he has changed a bit from his earlier pics.

rosemary said...

We all live in a yellow submarine!

Welcome to your new home, Judy. You're added to my blogroll!!

carmilevy said...

The good news is I don't have to take my unitard off for you to appreciate my assets.

Thumper said...

Whaddya mean TRON was only a movie...?

Anonymous said...

Hi Judy! Love the new place! I like the way you've decorated it, too. LOL

Good luck with all the formatting, getting used to the new settings and all takes time!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

WOW! A new place! Well, I will change tye address in my blogroll and the name, too....
But here us my question? Is this the NEW Template in The NEW Blogger? It looks like one of the "old" templates in the "old" blogger....or is it me? (lol)

The Caption For Him Is:

My Name Is GlowBoy....touch me and I light up!

Biff Spiffy said...

"Come on honey, I don't want to play dress-up any more."

Yeah, I thought of Mr. Kenju (poor guy).

Nice place ya got here!

Anonymous said...

I like the new place too.


"I'll be your buttercup...."

Meghan said...

Okay, because of where my eyes went first I'm going to have to caption this photo:

"Camel Tron"

(Hi, I just found your blog. I'm moving to NC next month, so I'm looking for some friendly natives:)

Anonymous said...

Am I weird to you? heheh That is my caption.

Anonymous said...

"Look away now if you are of a nervous disposition".

Anonymous said...

Whew....I made it. And now to the captions. Hmmmmm...

"To infinity and beyond"


"Honey, have you seen my medication?"


"Hey honey...check out the new Walmart Greeter uniforms!"

and finally...

"Honey, remember that old song Glow Worm?"

Anna said...

Hey Judy...

I am LOVING your new page.

About the pic...I can honestly say I am speechless. I can't look at it with out cringing. :)

Craver said...

How's about

"We come in peace".

Yay for new things - change is good! I passed the word this morning.

Happy New Site.

Carolyn said...

Hi Judy, Looks good here!

My caption would be (with my humblest apologies ;)

"One more fart and this thing's gonna bloooooowwwww!!!"

sonia a. mascaro said...

Love your new "home", Judy! Welcome!

About the caption.... I am not good on this.... but maybe he is thinking this: "I must to light up through my all body”!

About Flora, I think that for sure she fears the flash of the camera, but as you can see, the most part of the time I take her photos on day light! It's a mystery to me! My daughter's dogs loves to pose for the camera! Thank you for your visit and comment!

srp said...

Caption: TRON, 25 years later. Time has not been kind.

I just read down the comments... it looks like I finally found someone else who actually saw this movie! Will wonders never cease?

Oh, and just to make sure... this isn't Mr. Kenju... no, couldn't be... not tall enough.

Anonymous said...

We come in peace.

I LOVE the new place Judy! Welcome to your new home! May it be a source of constant inspiration to you.

Beverly said...

Hi, Judy, nice new digs. I'm blank on ideas.

tiff said...


"You've picked bachelor number three, Judy! Congratulations!"

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! What a great place!!! I don't know what to name the guy, but I think he's been doing a little travelling thru Louisiana's infamous Chemical Corridor!

TJ said...

I'm just stumped...but so glad I made it over to your new blog!!

Ginnie said...

"I come with bended "ne-on" floor,
to ask the one that I adore...
to be my Valentine and more."

Anonymous said...

Finally! Mr. Kenju makes an appearance!

Anonymous said...

honestyrain: the trouble is he doesn't seem to have any parts.
I do like your new home Judy and I forgot to say Michele sent me.

Anonymous said...

I would say: "Aztec Body Neon - coming soon to a Blue Man Show near you".

David Edward said...

finally a photo of the man who sent the nigerians his entire bank account in order to secure his share (40%) of 17.5 MILLION USD.
carmi said it

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new blog.

I am not creative today so I will just cast my vote for Ginnie's caption about the "ne-on" :)


Raggedy said...

I am

Anonymous said...

I knew I should have dressed left.

Cristin B said...

This errant program has been divested of proper armor, but is still fighting strong. Master Control is none too entertained.

Cristin B said...

Oh, and Michele sent me. :)

Cris said...

Wow, a new place to visit!!! How about "Ray Man strikes again?" for the caption? Have fun with your new blog, I am sure we will.

Anonymous said...

"Gimmee a kiss, and see what ELSE lites up!"

Anonymous said...

Caption for Neon Man: "For only penies a day, you can have your company's message here! 87% more effective than banner ads."

Let us wannabes know how the new experience works out.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to your new spot in cyberspace, Judy. I know you are one tired camper tonight after dealing with all the lovers who sent flowers today. As for this photo, I guess I picture it on

If you are attracted to "different kinds of men," I may be the one to light up your life."