Sunday, February 11

What Can YOU Do With Pencils?

EDIT: I googled the subject and found this, so go here if you are interested in more of these:

I got these pics in an email. Such creativity!


Anonymous said...

Oh my god! Those are absolutely beautiful. Amazing. I would never have thought they were pencils! How does one even come up with an idea like that??

Michele sent me

Anonymous said...

Okay, that's just weird! Like created, colorful cacti. :)

Here via Michele's!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Absolutely Brilliant, Judy! These are true works of "art"....I love these! I am always fascinated by what people create with the simplist of objects...This is perfect! Do you know the Artists name by any chance?

Shammickite said...

WOW quite amazing! Those pencil sculptures must have taken hours and hours to do! And the question remains.... WHY???

Shammickite said...

WOW quite amazing! Those pencil sculptures must have taken hours and hours to do! And the question remains.... WHY???

Anonymous said...

Those are AMAZING! Absolutely STUNNING. I had to show them to my daughter and she was all "Whoa!". Who is the artist and are there more pics anyplace. I wonder how much those sculptures cost. Totally awe inspiring. Thanks for posting them.

Here via Michele, but I come every day anyhow.

Anna said...

These are fabulous! I am going to show the kids while we are homeschooling in the morning! They will love it too!

Karen said...

Those are so cool! And Judy, I love what you've done with the place! It's so great looking! Sorry I haven't been here in a while. Hope you've been well.

Michele sent me today.

TJ said...

I'm speechless...

Anonymous said...

Just incredibly creative!

awareness said...

" a cool way." words from my 9 year old son......we both thought of "characters" from a tim burton movie.....

Diane Mandy said...

Found you! Just updated my blogroll!

TLP said...

I am totally impressed! Just amazing.

Loren said...

Those would be beautiful pictures even if they weren't made out of pencils.


Anonymous said...

wow! those are AMAZING!

David Edward said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new blog site. Here I just linked a post to your old one. Heck, I am running as fast as I can to catch up. LOL
These are abasolutely beautiful and I love the new blog site. Now if you will excuse me, I must go back to mine and change the blogroll to include Imagine What I'm Leaving Out.

Raggedy said...

I did NOT get that mail.
Those are fabulous.
Thank you.
Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) hugs
(")_ (")Š from
the Cool Raggedy one

joared said...

These are fascinating as were the trees! I don't get around here every day, and was I ever surprised to find you've moved. Really like your new blog and love the concept about what you and any of us leave out.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing....what creativity. My first thoughts is that those should be displayed in an arts museum. Of course after visiting your link I find a response to that thought.

Anonymous said...

I love pencils. I never use pens except for legal documents. I think this is from my civil engineering/mathematics backgound. I prefer the natural versus the mechanical and have a power sharpener on both my desk at work and home.

Crimson said...

LOVE your new home, judy!! Awesome pictures.

Anonymous said...


Am I the only person who wants to sniff them? I've got a thing about newly sharpened pencils.

That sounded way weirder than I wanted it to...

Bobkat said...

Wow, that's incredible! I love how they look 'prickly'. some look like some weird little spiny animals!

sonia a. mascaro said...

Judy, well done! Your blog each day surprise me! Just amazing this sculpture with pencils! What a creativity! Love it! Like Naomi, I would love to know the artist's name, too.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Judy, well done! Your blog each day surprise me! Just amazing this sculpture with pencils! What a creativity! Love it! Like Naomi, I would love to know the artist's name, too.

Anonymous said...

I love the colours. Those gorgeous russets are just what one needs on another dreary wet day. I swear that if we had the flood and Noah's ark parts of Britain would still have a hose pope ban.

fakies said...

Very cool. I can't even make anything interesting when I'm using them for their intended purpose.

rosemary said...

Pencils....who would have thought they could be so creative without using their lead! I am fascinated with people that fold paper and make those lacy cut outs....I am so craft challenged!

Duke_of_Earle said...

Uh... I still use them to WRITE with. Super creativity there!


Shephard said...

Wow. Art for Artists? Those are fun!

Judy said...

Hi, other Judy. I like your new site. We've been so busy down here I've not had time to pop over to your old place til today... and come to find out you've moved on me :-) I love the pencils!

sage said...

i knew I should have been saving all those stubby pencils.

Anonymous said...

Ok that is just stunning art work! I showed Hula Girl and of course being artsy fartsy she LOVED it.
Thank you for sharing.

MaR said...

I am impressed!!! and love your new place!!!

Anonymous said...

WOw!!!!! I wish I had the talent to do that.

Good to see you again...hadn't noticed you'd moved until just now! I must update my moonroll... *hugs*

Malinda777 said...

WOW, and all I can do is write with one. HaHaHa, I found you here at the new place.

Enjoy your "new spot"...