Monday, February 12

Good Things Come in Twos!

Just ask Maria.......

These are our twins at age 3. They are about to turn 11 now, and they are still just as cute as they were here!
Maria's grand-twins are cute too - go see them and tell her Judy sent you.

P.S. From Barbie2be, I now have links for the twisted trees post. If you are interested in learning more about the trees or their grower, scroll down to that post for the new links.
Thanks, Barbie!!


Anna said...

They are adorable.....I can't imagine having twins!

Jamie Dawn said...

Cutie pies!
I'm sure they are cute at age eleven too, but they probably don't want to be called cutie pies.

The art made out of pencils is just fabulous!!

Cris said...

Beautiful kids! Your blog is not displaying on my bloglines, it tries to find technorati tags, and many blogs show up this way, it does not tell me when you updated... Thanks for the beautiful pictures today!

Anonymous said...

Those twins are movie stars in the making.

Raggedy said...

They are adorable!

Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) hugs
(")_ (")Š from
the Cool Raggedy one

Anonymous said...

Twins- I always thought they must be incredible hard work for the first couple of years and then turn into pure pleasure. At eleven they are probably drifting away from each other a bit more but I think twins have a special friend for life.

The pencils are great! You would need a good saw, a good pencil sharpener and a good imagination. I love those pokey critters!

Anonymous said...

They are just sooo cute!

Shephard said...

very sweet.. I like the vest.

Anonymous said...

And to think I nearly missed this post. Hmmm I have been too busy with memory book pages. I need to slow down and get back to reading posts.

The twins are adorable. Aren't we just the luckiest granmothers !

Anonymous said...

And to think I nearly missed this post. Hmmm I have been too busy making memory book pages. Time to get back to reading my friend's posts and paying more attention to blogging.

Your twin grandchildren are beautiful. Aren't we just the luckiest grandmothers?

Pat said...

Delightful children and so aptly dressed for V day!