Saturday, February 10


Edited below!!
These trees were grown in Gilroy, California. They were coaxed into these odd patterns by the grower. Someone sent these pics to me via email, and there was no more information about them. I thought they were interesting, but I'll bet that grower was a control freak!

EDIT: Thanks to barbie2be for the following links about the trees:


Michael K. Althouse said...

I grew up near Gilroy and never knew about such trees. It seems Gilroy is always full of surprises!

Michele sent me,


Anonymous said...

That's absolutely amazing!!! You always show us the most interesting things!!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting, yes. I'm not sure I like them. Topiaries are one thing, mangling the trunks- mmm, not so sure.

But I LOVE the new look here! Nice transformation!

rosemary said...

Isn't Gilroy known for garlic or is it artichokes....HA....that's it they're Garlichoke trees!

Anonymous said...

What cool trees, My 7 year old came by while I was looking at these & requested a trip so he could climb them! I doubt they allow climbing but it does look like it would be fun!
Here from Micheles tonight & thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!
I like your new place!

Merle said...

Hi Judy ~~ Congratulations on your new site. It looks great and I am sure we will keep getting lots of info and fun from you.
The trees are very interesting to see
but I wouldn't want one myself. I like the way God makes trees!!
I hope you survive Valentine's Day.
Take care, Love, Merle.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Fascinating and strange, all at the same time, Judy...And I bet you are right about the grower....Why would anybody want to force a tree to grow in such strange and unatural ways??? Leave nature alone, I say...let it do it's own unique thing.

Anonymous said...

Quite amazing! Great new blog, Judy! Added it to my Google Reader

Bobkat said...

Interesting pics! I can imagine the person responsible has far too much time on his hands!

Btw - I love the new look of your blog :-)

Anonymous said...

Some of them look quite rude like the carvings one sees in India.

Anonymous said...

I'm with mr. althouse. I grew up near there and never knew about these trees. I really love them. Now I need to go search and see if I can find out more about them. :)

Anonymous said...

I like your new place ;)....I also love Carrie Fisher...she is a great author also. anyway, I find it amazing that I have been contemplating posting a foto of one of these trees on my Wordless Wednesday posts...there is one just down the road from us....I think I just might...thanks for the nudge ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Judy! What this makes me think of is the time it would take to make these trees grow. Talk about commmitment to a goal!
Love the new look. I'll be back, of course.

Raggedy said...

We get the same mail! I saw these a long time ago and was amazed.
I like your new place!
Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) hugs
(")_ (")Š from
the Cool Raggedy one

Anonymous said...

Oh I bet he could do excellent bonsai

Anonymous said...

I can't get a tree to grow straight!

Biff Spiffy said...

I have neither the patience nor desire for such plant molestation. They are pretty cool though. Any idea what kind of trees those are? Banyan trees have flexible-looking trunks... But, what do I know. If I can't plug it in, I have trouble understanding it.

Anna said...

OK, those are interesting! I have neither the patience or inclination to do that to a tree.... :)

Shammickite said...

Do you really think these trees are real?
It seems that the camera DOES lie these days.

barbie2be said...

those trees are from Bonfonte Gardens park.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Oh! I agree with Vicki and I feel sorry for the poor trunk!

But your blog is just amazing, Judy! Very interesting!

Shephard said...

Wild. And yet not so wild. lol