Sunday, February 18

Shuffle Off to Buffalo?

Anyone want to go to Buffalo, NY ? A friend sent me this pic of the area where his daughter lives. They call it "lake effect" snow.
It's beautiful, but this is as close as I want to get!


Anonymous said...

I'd love that! (But I wouldn't want to try and drive in it).

Here from Michele's. I hope you're having a good weekend :)

Maybe Me said...

One highway here has been closed a couple of days because of snow blowing from the Saint-Lawrence river!

But I'm with nikki-ann: much better to look at it from a distance.

Bobkat said...

I'm with you - it looks beautiful but I really don't want to be out in it!

Great pic.

Anonymous said...

The ice here has not melted. We have huge piles of it from clearing the driveway. I mean piles 3 -4 feet high. The yard and porches and roof is frozen solid. White is pretty for only a little while.

Eddie said...

Eating Buffalo Wings is as close as I want to get to Buffalo.

Raggedy said...

What a beautiful picture!
I love snow.

Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) hugs
(")_ (")Š from
the Cool Raggedy one

sage said...

It ain't no big deal Kenju! Years ago I lived south of Buffalo--loved the skiing. Now I get lake effect from Lake Michigan instead of Lake Erie. I would have thought Erie would be frozen by now--it's shallower than the other lakes and more of it freezes--which cuts down on the amt of lake effect snow you get.

Thumper said...

Snow is evil.

Marie said...

Hee-hee. I'm 60 miles east of Buffalo. We get lake-effect here too... Gotta love those Great Lakes!

It's ok as long as you're looking at it out the window from the comfort of home! I just put up a few pictures from our Valentine's Day snowstorm.

Begered said...

Sure does look beautiful! And I complain about the driving conditions in California! No way would I want to drive in that...
Michele sent me this time! :)

Anonymous said...

I have to really is gorgeous to look at. Here. Not in person.
It has a Currier and Ives quality to it. But I'll pass on the trip.

yellojkt said...

It's snowing out my window right now. We got about three inches last week and school was closed for 2-1/2 days.

Snow sure looks pretty though.

Anna said...


srp said...

The area near Redfield, NY is in that region where the snow is higher than the houses. I just can't imagine that.

We had flakes today... just enough to send the dog into his doghouse. Not enough to even dust the grass. Sigh. I would like to see a little more than this.

Prego said...

Neh. It's not so bad once you get used to it.

Prego (Proud Buffalonian)

bluemountainmama said...

looks like where we used to live in western MD....i don't miss the weather there at all! when everyone else got a couple of inches, we'd get a foot.

Shephard said...

I have to admit, that's about as close as I want to get to the snow also... unless that view is out the back of a ful-service bed&breakfast... with dinner theatre. lol

But it is truly beautiful.

Crimson said...

Welcome to my world! Yea, it's pretty......till you live there!

utenzi said...

Ha! I went to college in a town between Buffalo and Rochester right next to Lake Ontario, Judy. I well remember the Lake Effect!

Beverly said...

No, thanks.

Anonymous said...

That is precisely how it looks at Lost Loon Lodge!

Anonymous said...

I grew up in the snow belt and got many a foot of lake effect snow. As a kid it was the best!

Buffy said...

So much for moving to Buffalo. Seriously.