Friday, February 23

And Don't You Dare.......

Last weekend my younger daughter was home for a visit and she went to see her sister's family; four children whom she loves with all her might. They have two dogs; a female named Kali (or Callie, I'm not sure how they spell it) and a male named Bojangles. Bo is a beagle, and is now about a year old.

Bo has been neutered, but he has begun to hump everything in sight: women, men, children, furniture and the other dog. Miss kenju told me that after a particularly harrowing afternoon, knocking Bo off her leg everytime she moved, nearly everyone in the family was chastizing Bo for his lewd behavior.

The children were yelling at the dog to stop, and the youngest (a girl of seven) put her hand on her hip; stood in a confrontational stance that had her feet spread apart, shook her forefinger on the other hand, and said "You stop that right now, and don't you dare bring out that pink thing."

I'm glad I wasn't there. There is no way could I have managed not to laugh.


Lois Lane said...

Oh my goodness that is funny! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't have held back either. When I first saw the post, I thought that you were going to say that your daughter brought home one of these adorable puppies... went in a completely different direction!

Queen of Light and Joy said...

OH MY GAWD! LOL I think I may have pee'd myself, just a little bit, had I been there.

Pat said...

That is hilarious! Thanks for the giggle Judy. Why do dogs have to have such embarrassing habits?
Michele sent me.

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious. We had a beagle when I was growing up that would do that to friends of my dad, but only if they were wearing a hat.

Thanks for the comment this morning. I never looked at the big picture...the girl from high school reads the blog, so it was a dig at her. Sometimes I forget people can't read my mind.

Carolyn said...

LOL! Nor would I have been able to contain ;D

I remember worrying, as a child, when our boy dog brought out that "pink thing," that his tummy was falling out. I begged Dad to take him to the vet & couldn't understand why Dad just laughed at the whole situation.

Beverly said...

Oh, my, that is so funny.

Anna said...

This is so funny. And what cute dogs! Have a good weekend Judy...


rosemary said...

OK, Judy, I fell off my chair laughing....never had that doggie problem, but if I do I'll call your granddaughter to take care of it!!!

bluemountainmama said...

that is hilarious! especially about the 7 year-old.... out of the mouth of babes! :) those beagles are too cute! but they are some of the most stubborn dogs!

Marie said...

LOL! Not the PINK THING!! That's a classic.

Adorable pooches..

Anonymous said...


fakies said...

My nephew couldn't understand why his dog had two tongues. I guess he thought when the dog was licking himself there was kissing going on.

Alice said...

I LOL when I read this Judy and then I continued to LOL as I read all the comments! Cute dogs and an even cuter story...

Alice said...

Judy, I too LOL when I read this but then I continued to LOL as I read everyones comments. Thanks...

Raggedy said...

I can't stop laughing.
What a wonderful post!
Much has been written about the lewd and lascivious behavior of male dogs. When I was reading it a few tidbits rushed into my head. When we went to see Ron White in Fargo he was talking a little about his dog “Sluggo”. Sluggo is an English bulldog. The vet appointment was to extract semen from Sluggo for an artificial insemination process. Ron stayed in the waiting room while the procedure was done. He said “ever since then if anyone even mentions a word that sounds like vet Sluggo is humping air” When his next appointment for the semen removal came up the vet asked if Ron would like to come in the examination room and she would show him how to obtain the semen so that Ron could collect it at home and not have to bring the dog in. Ron said “Nah that’s okay, he follows me around way to much as it is.”
The other thing that came to mind was a joke.
What is the difference between a Poodle versus a Doberman humping your leg?
You let the Doberman finish…
Sorry for the long comment I just could not resist sharing them with you.
Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) hugs
(")_ (")Š from
the Cool Raggedy one

Daisy said...

When I saw the picture of the adorable puppies, I thought you were going to tell us your daughter got them. This story is hilarious and I probably would have busted up laughing. ;-)

Have a great weekend!!

Cristin B said...

Michele sent me...

I had always assumed that neutered dogs wouldn't ever do that, but lately I've been proven wrong repeatedly. I hope they find relief somehow!

kenju said...

I forgot to say that the photo in the post is not of our dogs. I found that pic on the web.

Rebecca said...

LOL!!!! I'm laughing so hard right now!!!!! I also LOVE beagles...we had one for years - Katie.

Anyway, I accidently commented on your former blog and then realized you had the new one! So check your last post if you didn't already get it via email :)


Rebecca said...

Not your dogs...but adorable just the same! :)

Shephard said...

Judy, I love the green background! Very alive and cheery!

carmilevy said...

Out of the mouths of babes...

Leave it to a little girl to say what needs to be said. I've always loved the honesty and directness of children. And the kindness of folks like you who immortalize experiences like this in words.

Minerva said...

What a wonderful story Kenju and I can just imagine the look on her face...

Thanks so much for the smile..

Love the new blog, by the way...

Panthergirl said...

Hahahaha.... "that pink thing". Very Triumph!

Poor Bo. Then again, I had a FEMALE dog that used to hump everything!

Here via michele today, Judy!

Anonymous said...

I would not have been able to keep a straight face.

Jamie Dawn said...

That is SO cute!!
My kids used to call those pink thingies "lipsticks."

I hope Bo gets rid of his nasty habit very soon!!

Anonymous said...


I'll have to use that line on my husband sometime this week...muahaha.

srp said...

That is absolutely hysterical Judy... how on earth did the parents and your daughter keep from laughing!

Margaret said...

Yes that is very funny, I would have not been able to contain myself either had I been there.
Cheers Margaret

Margaret said...

Hi Judy, that was really funny, I would have exploded with laughter had I been present.
Cheers Margaret

Weary Hag said...

Dying laughing at this entire post!

Love the beagles (I had one for 13 years who traveled the country with me).

Hey Judy ... why is it that we two both posted about dogs "humping" this week? hahaha

Must be in the air?

Great post!