Saturday, January 15

Did you ever know someone like this?

Or this?
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Arkansas Patti said...

I was at one of those tables having fun today and am pretty sure there was a room full of Jims on the other side of the flimsy partition.

srp said...

I was married to someone like in the first cartoon! Just got back from the dinner and we exited the restaurant in what could only be described as "between a waddle and a roll."

Nancy said...

I wouldn't touch this one with a ten foot pole......

Nancy said...

Definitely! Some are family members.

betty said...

I haven't known anyone like that, but I have a friend who has never yet been satisfied with the first table offered by the hostess at a restaurant.

Kay Dennison said...

Seen it and been there. If I'm going out to dinner, it had better be a good time. If I want to be upset, I do it in the comfort of my own home!

Granny Annie said...

Simply insert "Ron" in place of "Jim" and I'm with you. LOL

Tracy said...

I've noticed you haven't been by and been missing you at my place. I hope all is well...

Ginnie said...

No, Judy ... all my friends are perfect. (you can tell how many friends I have !)

Olga said...

The first cartoon--my parents!! The cartoonist must have known them.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

LOL, LOL...Times sound like they are hard these days...Maybe all Jim needs a Big Hug, my dear.

LL Cool Joe said...

I'm Jim!