Sunday, December 12

The Party at the Governor's Mansion

Front row: Billy Day, Sandra, Earline, Governor Perdue, Mel Day, Mrs. Day Second row: Donna, Pat, Donna, Back row: Pam, me and Wanda.

You may recall seeing the photos of the quilts used to decorate the Mansion Library this year; they were all made my Mrs. Day, Mel's mother - who looks smashing in a red suit and much younger than she ought to! 

The Governor captured in icing!

This is not your typical gingerbread house; nevertheless, it is all edible! Made by Donna of Sweet Memories Bakery in Cary, NC. It is an excellent replica of our State Capitol building.
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Tracy said...

What lovely pictures! How fun! I'm assuming, did you have a good time? Wow!

LL Cool Joe said...

That cake is amazing!

You look great and very posh in your outfit!

Kay Dennison said...

Wow!!! This whole post is wayyyy cool!!!! And you look mahvelous, dahling!!!!!

Mid-blizzard here in Ohio. Make room!!! Thinking 'south' is the key word! LOL

kenju said...

Tracy, I DID have a nice time. The Governor is very gracious and most appreciative of our efforts.

kenju said...

Thanks, Joe, I did look good....LOL

Kay? You are always welcome.

Rhyleysgranny said...

Oh you look so glam I thought you were the governor. Fabulous cake and gorgeous pics all round.

Pat said...

You looked good enough to be the First Lady.

Arkansas Patti said...

Gosh, did not know you got to hob nob with the govenor. Cool. Especially that she is a she.
Neat pic of you, looking good.

Gilly said...

You all look absolutely gorgeous! And that cake!! Will it be eaten at all - where would you start??

Celia said...

Great picture of the crew and you. Nice momento of the occasion.

sage said...

Congratulations! It is interesting that we have a woman governor in NC... (and she's not named Scott)

Granny Annie said...

Why didn't you get on the front row? Looks like a very special group and a great time. Oklahoma has elected our first woman Governor.

Looking to the Stars said...

Looking good :)

What a great time you must have had!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

How lovely that there is a Party for you all...! It must be fun to be there after the work is all done! You look good, Judy!

Grannymar said...

I'm with Granny Annie, you should have been in the front row and not tucked away at the back. Glad all that hard work was appreciated.