The aftermath details of our accident are getting sorted out now; not a final settlement, but arrangements to get the body work done on my van and a rental car for the duration. The insurance company handling it seems very willing to do what is right - at least up to this point - and we will see how compliant they are later on. I'd like to be hopeful that we can do this without the need for an attorney.
The chiropractor has given me two treatments now, and I had a neck massage - which was both painful and heavenly. I don't know how to explain that - but it was. The constant, excruciating headache is gone; giving way to a mild headache and occasional spasms and pain if I twist my neck too far in any direction. My lower back sprain makes getting out of bed difficult, but I hope that will lessen soon. I am okay unless I try to lift something (found that out the hard way) and if I twist my body. That's a no-no!!
Until my contract work starts back in earnest (Valentine's week) I am honing my skills weekly at the Flower Shuttle and liking every minute of it. There are some very nice women there and I am enjoying getting to know a few of them. Flower donations are not as large as we might like this time of year, but things will pick up come spring and the wedding season. Last week we were able to make 250 arrangements; while the mid-year average is over 350 each week. Just think of how many people get to be cheered up by the gift of flowers; mostly people who would never receive them under ordinary circumstances. It makes me happy to be a part of it!
The economic downturn had a very hard impact on florists in our area, especially those who specialize in weddings and parties. But according to the ones I see on Facebook, the tide may have turned. They say they are booking more weddings than they had in the previous two years and are taking calls for weddings in 2011 already. That's a very good sign, but I won't let it lull me into thinking all our worries are over. They could be exaggerating a bit - as is our wont. But if they aren't, it may bode well for my future work and for that I am most grateful! A good thing happened today: my employer was awarded the "Bride's Choice" on Wedding Wire. That's terrific - and so is he!
Until my contract work starts back in earnest (Valentine's week) I am honing my skills weekly at the Flower Shuttle and liking every minute of it. There are some very nice women there and I am enjoying getting to know a few of them. Flower donations are not as large as we might like this time of year, but things will pick up come spring and the wedding season. Last week we were able to make 250 arrangements; while the mid-year average is over 350 each week. Just think of how many people get to be cheered up by the gift of flowers; mostly people who would never receive them under ordinary circumstances. It makes me happy to be a part of it!
Judy, I have to catch up - accident?! I've not been reading for a bit.Sending love.
Glad your neck is better and that so far the insurance company is cooperating!
Your volunteer work sounds like fun! I wish there was something I could do like that here.
That is such a wonderful thing to be a part of Judy....I know how flowers cheer me up and how bereft I feel if I don't have any for a month or more---So, to be able to bring this living beauty to people who never get any flowers...Well, Bless You, My Dear!
I hope the Insurance company continues to do the right thing! And I dearly hope all of your pains and aches and injuries go away very quickly...!
There's nothing like flowers for cheering you up! How locely to make them for those who might not get them! I do hope the weddings etc. get going soon, and the brides realise that they simply can't do without your stunning arrangements!
Go easy on that body of yours! Hope your neck gets better soon, but just remember, as we approach maturity, our bones take longer to heal! ;)
Glad you are keeping on top of your neck and back injuries. Hope you are completely well soon.
I love that you are using your time to bring beauty to others. Way to go Judy.
Judy, I am so sorry about your accident and hoping you will get proper treatment from the insurance company. We are still being ignored by Allstate on Ron's medical and have learned their proceedures involve the tree D's: Defend,Delay and Deny. Hope you can avoid that.
I envy you being wrapped in flowers as Valentine's Day approaches.
I do hope you're all back to being better soon.
People may be scaling back, but there will always be flowers at weddings and funerals.
Did I miss what this flower shuttle is/was. Tell me more.
Such bad luck having that prang but you are coping with it with your usual grit and determination. You deserve all the good things and I hope business really takes off soon.
Glad you are feeling better. I wish there was an organization like Flower Shuttle here. Maybe I need to talk to some people at my church and we might be able to organize something similar.
I've definitely seen a drop in discos so far this year. People are just using their own music and cutting out the dj. Especially with ipods etc.
I hope you fell 100% well very soon.
glad you are better...i do know the pain/pleasure with a back rub. i hope the floral business and lots of others spring back this year.
Flowers have always had a special place in my heart and I love when the doorbell rings and the florist's delivery person hands me a bouquet sent by someone special.
Speaking of special, over at my site I have given you an award. Please come see.
Gotta love the chiropractors of the world. My dilapidated body wouldn't keep going without 'em. Hope you get all the money you need and then some!
Judy...I'm glad you're benefiting from the physio....soft tissue injuries are so darn difficult to overcome after an accident.
As for flowers? I can't imagine life without a big bouquet livening up my living room, especially at this time of year. I hope the business kicks in again. I just read that Conan just agreed to a 33 million dollar settlement...perhaps your employed could hit him up for a few thousand orders. :)
Make sure you get all the care you need for your aches and pains. We settled an accident without a lawyer. I am sure we could have sued, but that takes a lot of time and effort and I just wanted to be treated fairly. I don't think the other company was ever comfortable that we were not going to persue a lawsuit.
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