This cartoon has been making the rounds both in email and on blogs, but it made me laugh out loud, so I just HAD to show you! Thanks to all of you who sent birthday greetings yesterday; on the blog, in snail mail, in email and on Facebook. I was and still am overwhelmed!
My children and grandchildren are coming today to take me out to my favorite place for lunch; the Japanese restaurant Kanki. I usually go there about once a year, but I think it has been at least 2 years since we last went . I am really looking forward to seeing everyone, and I'll fill you in later.
Tonight, mr. kenju and I are attending the second annual Tiffoween; a killer Halloween party given by the inimitable Tiff and Biff Spiffy at their home, affectionately called 'The Tiny House.' I won't say what our costumes will be, but I hope to have some good photos to show you in a few days. I'm taking a dish of Buffalo chicken dip. Let me know if you want the recipe.
Last night, my good friend Pam came by with a gift bag full of her wonderful home-made pickles and some relish that turns hamburgers or hot dogs into a little bite of Heaven!! I am truly Blessed!
Since my cell phone has not been holding a charge for very long, I decided it was time to get a new one. I had checked at the Verizon store and Sam's and yesterday I went to Costco. I should have started there! The salesman at Costco was knowledgeable and helpful without being obsequious. When you buy a cell phone there, you also get a car charger, ear bud and leather carrying case - all free! I could hardly believe it. I have always had to buy a car charger before this, and they were at least $25. And mind you, the phone was about $10 less than it would have been at the Verizon store - which didn't carry purple!
Texting is not for me, so I didn't need a phone with that capability, and I didn't want one with too many bells and whistles that I would never use, so I got a very pretty purple flip-phone, with a non-slip surface (YAY) and I can't wait to use it. Happy Birthday to me!
Need a good laugh today? Go here and then read the story in the post for October 30th.
My children and grandchildren are coming today to take me out to my favorite place for lunch; the Japanese restaurant Kanki. I usually go there about once a year, but I think it has been at least 2 years since we last went . I am really looking forward to seeing everyone, and I'll fill you in later.
Tonight, mr. kenju and I are attending the second annual Tiffoween; a killer Halloween party given by the inimitable Tiff and Biff Spiffy at their home, affectionately called 'The Tiny House.' I won't say what our costumes will be, but I hope to have some good photos to show you in a few days. I'm taking a dish of Buffalo chicken dip. Let me know if you want the recipe.
Last night, my good friend Pam came by with a gift bag full of her wonderful home-made pickles and some relish that turns hamburgers or hot dogs into a little bite of Heaven!! I am truly Blessed!
Since my cell phone has not been holding a charge for very long, I decided it was time to get a new one. I had checked at the Verizon store and Sam's and yesterday I went to Costco. I should have started there! The salesman at Costco was knowledgeable and helpful without being obsequious. When you buy a cell phone there, you also get a car charger, ear bud and leather carrying case - all free! I could hardly believe it. I have always had to buy a car charger before this, and they were at least $25. And mind you, the phone was about $10 less than it would have been at the Verizon store - which didn't carry purple!
Texting is not for me, so I didn't need a phone with that capability, and I didn't want one with too many bells and whistles that I would never use, so I got a very pretty purple flip-phone, with a non-slip surface (YAY) and I can't wait to use it. Happy Birthday to me!
Need a good laugh today? Go here and then read the story in the post for October 30th.
Happy Halloween, Judy!
Sounds like you have a great week end planned. Indulge yourself and just enjoy.
Purple phone huh, what else.
Love the cartoon! Happy belated birthday!
I'm not a bells and whistles cell phone person either. I just want to make calls with it.
Have a great weekend!
i'm mortified to hav missed your birthday. Please forgive me and many many happy returns.
I have had the same problem with all of our cell phones and even new batteries didn't help. The last time we exchanged them for new, they finally told us that we needed to let the phone charge run all the way down to one bar before charging again and that we shouldn't leave it on the charger all night. So, I decided to do it... letting it run completely out before charging. It is amazing what a difference that makes and how long it will run on one bar. Now, I just charge it no more than once a week for a few hours. I hope Nyssa does the same.
Happy belated birthday!!!!!
That sounds like a good deal to me too.
Happy belated birthday! You share a birthday with my sister!
Happy Halloween Judy!
Judy, another Happy Birthday to you. I know you enjoyed the meal.
Happy B'day and Halloween, Kenju.
Whatever you wear for a costume, keep your bra on! That's too funny!
The link didn't work for me, but I laughed at your cartoon anyhow. I got it in an e-mail also.
Happy Halloweenish birthday luncheon. Enjoy!
I'm the same as you, just get me a phone that makes calls and receives calls! Happy Halloween! Tell Tiff and Biff I said "hi!"
I missed the Tiff and Biff Spiffy party because my pre-purchased tickets to "This Is It" where right in the middle of the event. So I went home and made pumpkin bread. They finally opened Trader Joes on Wake Forest Road just past the 440 beltline.
LMAO @ cartoon .Thanks!
A VERY VERY BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUDY....So sorry I missed the actual day--it has been a bit busy around here and so I was not on the computer very much.
I Hope your "day" was as special as you are!
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