The Jesusita Fire in Santa Barbara, CA last week caused these two to take shelter together. The fawn is 3 days old and the bobcat about 3 weeks. The fawn came from somewhere in the fire and the bobcat from Carpentaria. They immediately bonded and snuggled together under a desk in the Santa Barbara County Dispatch Office for several hours. Animal Planet reported the bobcat kitten was rescued near Arnold Schwarzenegger's ranch, where it was dehydrated and near death. They rescued the fawn during last week's wildfire. Although wild animals, especially of separate species, are never placed together due to regulations, in this emergency situation, they had no choice. During the mayhem of the fire, they were forced to put animals anywhere they could, since they had run out of crates large enough for the fawn. The kitten ran to the fawn, and it was instant bonding.

Ohhhh, this really IS too cute for words Judy. Oh my heart....
How amazing! Baby animals are just so cute! But what terrible fires down there, and so many animals must have been killed.
What happened to the two babies? I suppose their Mums perished in the fires. A difficult future faces them.
Animals are sometimes great teachers about life.
I always loved Bambi.
My Awe factor hit 10 of 10. It is on the on hand sad that these orphans have lost their parents but It is also good that they survived a tragic event. Prayerfully, I hope the parents where able to escape the fire too. I was driving Ginger to the dog park yesterday and when passed by a tobacco field, I saw several deer grazing along the edges of the field. About another mile down the road several more were grazing including a handsome buck standing guard. Truly an awesome sight. I wanted to stop and get a picture but I didn't want to disturb there foraging.
That story and pictures are so sweet my teeth are hurting.
My first thought in a forest fire is the fate of the animals. So many just don't make it.
Soooo glad these two did. Thanks.
Those big baby eyes are so precious. I just want to reach out and comfort both of them. I cried when I was a little girl and saw Bambi!
How sweet!
I am thankful for the smile this brought to my face! Thanks, Kenju, and have a great weekend.
Amazing. "All God's Creatures..."
Such a heartwarming connection. I love when little animals find comfort with each other. Very sweet.
Bobcat is just patiently waiting to have lunch until the people with camera go away.
LMAO at Utenzi!
Otherwise, I'm on the awe-factor train. When I worked for the vet we had a client whose great dane had hysterical pregnancies. Who would've thought dogs did that, but they do. Anyhow, at the end of each one she would mother a houseshoe and be very depressed. Well, at one point, as she ended one as stray baby baby kitten barely old enough to walk without wobbling showed up. That great dane nursed that kitten and raised her as her own. Pity anything that got between mama great dane and her baby, even when her baby grew up.
Way too cute. Sad that it's not something that can last.
Kind of a lion lying with the lamb story--that's a beautiful cat.
Isn't that the sweetest thing? I love it!
Kiss, kiss factor is huge here.
I love seeing stuff like this. I hope when they return that deer to the wild, though, it doesn't look at all bobcats as friends.
Unbelievable, Judy. I love it! Cute doesn't BEGIN to describe that second picture.
Ohhhh that is dear beyond words! Such a lovely story and such darling pictures. Nature is always so surprising!
In an emergency, we do what must be done. Great story and photos!
Cop Car
And to think that those two, in another year, would be negotiating dinner terms...
Wow that is so touching! There are a lot of stories out there with babies bonding to different species! This is one of the cutest I've ever seen!
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