Mel Day's bouquet for the wedding on Saturday. Click to enlarge.
The wedding flowers that Mel asked me to do this week were different, in that the boutonnieres had to have pink ribbons on them - the breast cancer loops. I had never made any like that, but I found it was easy to adhere them to the bout by using a straight pin that had been cut off at an angle, so it would pin into the stem, but not go through the other side.
Two sisters in one of the families were diagnosed with breast cancer recently, and the men in the wedding party wanted to show their support. I thought it was a wonderful idea. The bouts were made of 2 green dendrobium orchid florets, with a sprig of green hypericum berries. The medium pink ribbons went well with the colors of the flowers.
I didn't work Saturday for delivery, since Mel had only one wedding and it was an easy set-up. Mr. kenju decided he needed to go to Confession on Saturday afternoon. He goes to a church other than the one he usually attends - I'm not sure why, but I always suspected that he would prefer not to let his current Priest know all his sins. I told my son this morning that his father had to go to Confession in order to tell the Priest how many times he had wanted to kill me since his he had last been there. I have a feeling that there is more truth than humor in that.
***On the Way to Confession....
So, cut to 2:40 pm, and we pull up in front of the church. It had started to rain, and mr. kenju lamented his lack of an umbrella - actually he berated me for not having one in the car. He, like his father before him, is convinced he will melt if one drop of rain touches him. But he walked into the church and I sat in the car reading. I knew there must be a wedding in the sanctuary, since there are never that many cars in the parking lot for Confession alone. About 20 minutes later, I see people filtering out of the church, dressed in wedding finery. Twenty more minutes, and a group of men all dressed alike in tan suits come out into the parking lot. I am looking at them and suddenly I realize - those are the bouts I made on Friday!! It was an A-HA moment and I laughed at the synchronicity of it.
Picking up the cell phone, I called Mel at the shop and we both had a good laugh. I had not taken a photo of the bouts on Friday, but I would have then, had I had my camera with me. Can you imagine how abashed those guys would have been if I had jumped out of the car with my camera and asked to take their pictures?
Two sisters in one of the families were diagnosed with breast cancer recently, and the men in the wedding party wanted to show their support. I thought it was a wonderful idea. The bouts were made of 2 green dendrobium orchid florets, with a sprig of green hypericum berries. The medium pink ribbons went well with the colors of the flowers.
I didn't work Saturday for delivery, since Mel had only one wedding and it was an easy set-up. Mr. kenju decided he needed to go to Confession on Saturday afternoon. He goes to a church other than the one he usually attends - I'm not sure why, but I always suspected that he would prefer not to let his current Priest know all his sins. I told my son this morning that his father had to go to Confession in order to tell the Priest how many times he had wanted to kill me since his he had last been there. I have a feeling that there is more truth than humor in that.
***On the Way to Confession....
So, cut to 2:40 pm, and we pull up in front of the church. It had started to rain, and mr. kenju lamented his lack of an umbrella - actually he berated me for not having one in the car. He, like his father before him, is convinced he will melt if one drop of rain touches him. But he walked into the church and I sat in the car reading. I knew there must be a wedding in the sanctuary, since there are never that many cars in the parking lot for Confession alone. About 20 minutes later, I see people filtering out of the church, dressed in wedding finery. Twenty more minutes, and a group of men all dressed alike in tan suits come out into the parking lot. I am looking at them and suddenly I realize - those are the bouts I made on Friday!! It was an A-HA moment and I laughed at the synchronicity of it.
Picking up the cell phone, I called Mel at the shop and we both had a good laugh. I had not taken a photo of the bouts on Friday, but I would have then, had I had my camera with me. Can you imagine how abashed those guys would have been if I had jumped out of the car with my camera and asked to take their pictures?
That is an amazing co-incidence Judy. I would love to have seen those Bout's.....The Bouquet is very very BEAUTIFUL! I love the choice of Flowers---the colors are so very Beautiful---I bet those Bouts were gorgeous, too!
Amazing! Wish you had taken a surreptitious photo!
But tan suits?? :<
And what are those little tiny green flowers in the bouquet? They look so sweet!
Great story! I love coincidences. And I like the idea of the pink ribbons in the bouquets too!
I love the story about the boutonnieres, I too love coincidences!
Have to admit, my first thought when you said Mr. Kenju wanted a different church was like you said. He wants to keep his record clean at the church he normally attends. If I were a confessor, I'd do the same thing.
What a coincidence and you just have to love those men for wanting to support the women with cancer.
Yes, confession is good for the soul. So they say. The priest would have to take shifts if I ever confessed. Being agnostic, most would probably run out screaming. Just joking. You do beautiful work dear. I am always impressed with your attention to detail and sense of beauty. I use to stand 4 hour aft watches at midnight in the rain. Not a healthy option but I was my duty and I bared it with pride. Besides, it would have been hard to hold an umbrella and look out with binoculars. I got use to it after a while. Got caught in a thunder storm while walking Ginger one day a Lake Lynn. Now that was just down right scary. Ginger hunkered underneath me while we waited for the storm to pass. She knew she could trust me that I would protect her. Guess thats why we are inseparable now. She's all I have in my life now.
I love little coincidences like that. Thay always make me smile when they happen to me :)
These are good coincidences. Perfect reward for your work.
I love this post! The pink ribbon show of support is wonderful. I never completely understand the idea of confession- I mean I do rationally but it always seems to me that a more meaningful approach is to just keep trying to do better. But then, I'm not Catholic. ;-)
Hi Judy. Lovely bouquet... beautiful! Makes me want to get married again.
I had to laugh at the amount of time Mr. Kenju was in the church. Either he did have a lot to confess, or he had to wait for the wedding to be over to get a free priest.
You could make a representative bout and add it to your book as an additional offering for future brides - or for various cancer awareness rallies.
Judy----AGAIN----one of the most beautiful bouquets I have EVER seen!! You have such wonderful talent and it shows eloquently---
Peggy, I didn't make that bouquet - that was made by Mel Day - my employer. He's fabulous!!
You have a way of making things come together.... :-)
Now what are the odds of that!!!!!!!
And all this came "a-bout" because Mr. Kenju needed to fess up! Pardon the pun ;-D
Loved this story!
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