About a month ago, I mentioned on Facebook about taking a long, satisfying nap - and feeling guilty. Several weeks later, I received this nice book in the mail from a high school classmate. We didn't know each other well in school, but we are getting slowly reacquainted through our FB blurbs, and I am happy for that. Sharon, I thank you for your gift, and I know I will enjoy it. I promise to "pay it forward" to the first person who shows interest in having it.*
This book contains all you ever wanted to know about naps; plus how to have serenity and quiet moments in your life and make the most of them. Here's a quote from the book:
"We are sleep cheats and are beginning to pay the price. Napping needs to be made a respectable part of the American day; the thinking that equates naps with indolence, old age, or preschoolers must be dismissed as passe and the guilt surrounding this act of self-preservation erased." I couldn't agree more!
Another quote: When I read this, it hammered home some thoughts I have been having lately, as regards personal possessions. I see it can refer to thought and action, as well.
"Beside the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials." -Lin Yutang (1895-1976)
* If you want this book, leave a message in the comments and send an email with your snail-mail address, and I will send it to the FIRST person who responds, as soon as I have finished it.
This book contains all you ever wanted to know about naps; plus how to have serenity and quiet moments in your life and make the most of them. Here's a quote from the book:
"We are sleep cheats and are beginning to pay the price. Napping needs to be made a respectable part of the American day; the thinking that equates naps with indolence, old age, or preschoolers must be dismissed as passe and the guilt surrounding this act of self-preservation erased." I couldn't agree more!
Another quote: When I read this, it hammered home some thoughts I have been having lately, as regards personal possessions. I see it can refer to thought and action, as well.
"Beside the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials." -Lin Yutang (1895-1976)
* If you want this book, leave a message in the comments and send an email with your snail-mail address, and I will send it to the FIRST person who responds, as soon as I have finished it.
me! I need this! LOL
I was so far behind in reading your blog, where I left off is gone!!! Steve is a great napper....just 10 minutes refreshes him....me...not. I always feel groggy after I wake up and then have a hard time falling asleep at night.....Quiet times are sometimes in the shower as long as there isn't a cat peeking at me around the curtain.
My problem is that when I sit down or get on the bed for just 15 or 30 minutes... I wake up two hours later. I love naps. With two 80+ year olds here... naps are common and catching. And Daisy.. naps as much or more than the cats.. even now, she is in the middle of one of her after supper before evening naps. Yawn!!! All this talk of naps makes me sleepy.
I have mastered the 20 minute nap. Nothing wrong with it at all. I try to squeeze on in every day. :-)
I will by this point have missed the chance to get hte book, but no matter. I believe in the power of sleep and particularly in naps. Life is far too short to spend it in sleep deprivation and scurrying to do the next 'thing.'
I'm a napper! Most days I nap at around 3 PM. I sleep a couple of hours if the phone doesn't ring.
Then of course I stay up "too late" in the evening. But really, I sleep when I please and wake when I please. Life is wonderful.
A nap is not part of my daily routine, that said, my body has a way of telling me I need to rest and the energy goes AWOL. The problem is it might take a couple of days to recover. :(
I can honestly say I have napped throughout my life. Especially now.
With 8 Bloggers in front of me, and being far, far away, no chance of the book! But then I am quite capable of sitting down for a nice read after lunch and waking up half an hour later!
But I do have the excuse of old age! ;)
I woke up just after 3 a.m. this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. This is not common for me since I usually sleep well. SO... I will probably need a nap around midday, and I plan to TAKE that nap without guilt.
Enjoy leaving some things undone, and take guilt-free naps. You deserve them!!
On days I am up too early I will also take a 20 or 30 minute nap. Never more as I had that feeling when I have slept more than and hour in the middle of the day.
The beauty of retirement is that a bad night sleeping is no big deal. Naps can be taken any time.Ahh.
I missed out on the book but fortunately, there are libraries.
Thank you so much for your support and concern yesterday for Mighty. Made the lonely, anxious day easier.
I take naps and make no apologies for it. Too often people push themselves to the limit and then they wonder why they're stressed and exhausted and ill.
Thanks for posting this. People need to take some down time in this hectic society.
Sometimes there is nothing better than a little bit of a nap! This sounds like a good book, Judy...
I do like the ideas set forth in this book.
I rarely nap these days because I if I take a nap I sleep for two hours and then have insomnia at night. I prefer a good eight hours at night, but many nights I can only sleep for three. I go to bed 3 hours later and sometimes fall asleep again for another 3 hours. Does that count as a nap?
I believe in naps!
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