From the wonderful Buzzardbilly comes this new blessing.....called the Bella Award. I am not sure whether 'bella' refers to the photos or the writing, but I'd like to think it is a little of each. Thank you, BB, I consider this award high praise, coming from one of the most articulate bloggers I know about - and you are able to do it with humor, too! I shall try to remain worthy of this designation, and to pass it on to those who are also worthy. You chose 3-4 bloggers that I would also have chosen, so I'll try to come up with 15 different ones - a tall order.
The Bella Rules:
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
To be continued.....
To be continued.....
Yay Judy! Wonderful! Look at the beautiful job you've done with your blogs (past and present) and how many lovely readers come to 'sit around the fire' and listen to you ... good job, my sweet friend - very very good job!
Your awards are well deserved!
And I can't think of anyplace nicer to come to first thing this morning.
Congratulations. You well deserve any award that comes your way. Yes, I even like you better than I like Sally Field:)
Good for you, Judy. You deserve any awards that are being given.
Yours is one of the most interesting and "lovely to look at" blogs.
So, I agree with Annie. Sally Field. move over!
A great big congrats, Judy. So well deserved. You come thru in grand style each day, especially lately when most of us would be wimpering in a corner from fatigue.
Don't know how you keep doing it but am so glad you do.
Congratulations.....well deserved!
Congratulations! I need to accept mine and I think I'll actually award it this time, so I need to think of 15 too. Tough job!
Oh - I didn't mean tough job, like I can't think of any worthy. It's more like a tough job to try to narrow it down from all the great ones I read!
Of course you should have this award... your blog is always giving us the beautiful and unusual!
Congrats. You're such a great blogger, they should give you two!
Kudos, Judy. No one is more worthy. I love your blog.
You certainly deserve this award both for your writing and lovely photos. And we all enjoy hearing all about and seeing the beautiful floral arrangements you prepare.
Congrats, sis!!!!!!!!! No one deserves it more!!!!
Everything about you is Bella, my dear!
Once you start, especially when looking at new folks who've come by here or there, that 15 will pop by faster than you think!
Congratulations Judy....Bravo!!!
Congratulations on this pretty award. It's got your name all over it and that's because you deserve it!
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