Judy - one thing I didn't include in my comment on the last post is to ask if you are feeding the birds. Grey fox, in particular, happen to LOVE bird seed - ours will often choose it over the bread we normally leave out for them. Their spoor is always laced with seeds. If you are not actively feeding the fox, there is a reason they are coming into your yard space - usually for food or water. Grey fox are generally shy around people (unlike the red fox) and being around humans is a learned behavior. Another thing that occurred to me was that perhaps someone in your immediate community had been feeding these guys and perhaps they have moved. They are creatures of habit after all.
One positive thing about them being around is that they also dine on mice and snakes, as do our ring-tail cats. Aside from their "cute factor" this is a very good reason for us to encourage their presence.
You are always welcome to e-mail or call if you want to discuss some more.
I can read your lovely blog in regular size, finally! I was having other blog problems as well when someone suggested it might be the brower. And it was. For some reason, firefox hadn't been letting me make comments or see your blog in regular size.
Anyway, glad to be able to comment easily here again.
Take a rest. I'll definetely be back a lot more often now!
No worries, we will come back.
Just enjoy your garden, and flowers. We will be around!
That is all we need to know. You are still here, just frazzled. Get some rest soon---OK?
can identify there...we will just look at all the other posts with all the beautiful flower arrangements....
See ya soon.
Judy - one thing I didn't include in my comment on the last post is to ask if you are feeding the birds. Grey fox, in particular, happen to LOVE bird seed - ours will often choose it over the bread we normally leave out for them. Their spoor is always laced with seeds. If you are not actively feeding the fox, there is a reason they are coming into your yard space - usually for food or water. Grey fox are generally shy around people (unlike the red fox) and being around humans is a learned behavior. Another thing that occurred to me was that perhaps someone in your immediate community had been feeding these guys and perhaps they have moved. They are creatures of habit after all.
One positive thing about them being around is that they also dine on mice and snakes, as do our ring-tail cats. Aside from their "cute factor" this is a very good reason for us to encourage their presence.
You are always welcome to e-mail or call if you want to discuss some more.
Hope you get plenty of rest!
LOL, LOL...LOVE the "P's"...!
Rest up, my dear.....PERHAPS you will get some more PICTURES of that PRETTY Fox!
What's up honey? Don't worry I'll be back.xoxox
Judy, take a well deserved rest. We understand and will wait.
Hi, Judy!
I can read your lovely blog in regular size, finally! I was having other blog problems as well when someone suggested it might be the brower. And it was. For some reason, firefox hadn't been letting me make comments or see your blog in regular size.
Anyway, glad to be able to comment easily here again.
Take a rest. I'll definetely be back a lot more often now!
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