Isn't that the cutest photo? I got this one in an email recently and I just had to save it for you. I hope she's still dancing in her 80's!

A statue of Mahatma Ghandi, which stands behind Marble's Museum, where we delivered a wedding last weekend. I was shooting into the west, about the time the sun was heading down, so details are obscured. The roses in my header photo are also from the museum grounds.

And here's a photo of a small section of Raleigh, taken from the 28th floor of the Cardinal Club. The building in the lower right is our state capitol and following the path to the north is the Legislature Building. On the left of the path is the Natural History Museum and on the right is the State History Museum. All very convenient! The taller building in the background is the Albemarle Building (some sort of government stuff gets done there).
My doctor's appointment went well today; all tests proved to be negative - as was my mammogram. Getting on the scales was no fun, though, since I have gained weight in the last quarter. I haven't been able to exercise much since I hurt my back in early February, but that all changed today. I walked 20 minutes on the treadmill, and swam 10 laps in the pool. It may not sound like a lot to you, but it is a huge beginning for me. I am promising myself that I will continue doing that at least twice a week. None - or few - of my clothes fit anymore and I am determined not to have to buy the next size up. After that, I'll have to go to Omar the tent maker.
I may be working in a new place later this week. A florist shop in which my friend works needs someone to help with prom corsages for this weekend and some in May. I saw the owner today, and he promised to call and let me know when he might need help. I am looking forward to it. The shop is really nice; it's large and has a nice-size work area, open to the front of the shop. One of the other places I have worked in the last several years is no larger than a broom closet, so this will be a welcome change. I am not referring to my usual place to work - that is very nice - but I mean one of the places I work on holidays.
I always said I didn't want to own a flower shop, and I still don't, but I used to doodle architectural designs of them, and I'd love to be able to provide the plans for a shop to be built. In my next lifetime, maybe....LOL.
I always said I didn't want to own a flower shop, and I still don't, but I used to doodle architectural designs of them, and I'd love to be able to provide the plans for a shop to be built. In my next lifetime, maybe....LOL.
Love the statue of the little girl in her mom's heels. The expession on the live dance partner is precious.
Why not your own shop? In theory, you could name your own hours and work space.
Have fun with the prom queens.
Always great to get good health news.
I don't envy you the treadmill - my eyes glaze over at the thought but you're right - size is the important thing.
I'm on sea food diet - see food and I eat it:)
Patti, Ernie Ford sang the song Sixteen Tons, remember? In it he mentions selling your soul to the company store. That's what it is like to own a flower shop. You name your hours, all right! - dawn to dusk - and 24 hrs. on holidays. And then your delivery driver quits, or the designers call in sick. It's a thankless business (for the owner).
The little girl in the photo has definitely gone to a world of her own. Adorable.
That first picture is completely unforgettable, and I'm glad you shared it here. The look on her face is beyond description!
I'm so glad things went well at the doc's! Good health is pretty much the only thing that matters, after all.
Love those photos, especially the child dancing with the statue.
Working in a broom closet would be a bad idea for someone that is eyeing dresses at Omar's, Judy. This new place with the wide open spaces is the way to go.
Seriously, I'm impressed that you're keeping your eyes open for part time gigs. I'd have thought that your normal hours would be enough to keep you out of trouble!
The picture of the little girl dancing with the statute is so precious. They are just about the same size too!
I wonder where the little girl statue is? When I lived in Toledo the city kept commissioning these neat metal life-like statues of people doing normal things (a grandpa and a kid sitting on a regular park bench holding a balloon was one of my favorites).
I always thought I'd like to own a greenhouse. My cousin does. It's about the same as the florist's gig: you're a slave to keeping your product alive and people think you should have everything they want right now (even if you would have to stay up all night to get it for them).
That first picture brought back some lovely memories of my childhood, playing in my mother's high heels. I can still hear her voice saying: "take those shoes off before coming down the stairs"!
Do you play music with a good beat while on the treadmill? I don't use one but play the music and dance about the house.
The photo of the baby dancing with the statue is the cutest thing I've seen in a long time. Thanks.
I'm glad your health tests were all negative. Keep up the good work with exercise. I hope to follow your lead.
I am taking that as a NO. Actually don't blame you. Your own business is like a marriage and since you all reeady have a good one, why commit bigamy.
By the way, congrats on the good check up and for starting of an exercise program. Thinking about one here. Way to go.
I love that first photo!
I LOVE your Header Picture, Judy..And I LOVE that you can change it when you want....
You know, I bet there are people out there who want to open Flower Shops that would LOVE to see your Architectural Drawings---If anyone should know how a Flower Shop should be "set-up", it's you, my dear!
LOVE that first picture of the little girl dancing....So Sweet and Fun, too!
Omar the tent maker - made me smile!
You'll be in fine form soon, Judy.
If you can swin 10 laps you are doing alright!
I don't know who is cuter. The statue or the little girl. Should be on the cover of something.
The roses are such a beautiful shade of pink. And the photo of the little girl and the statue is adorable.
I can identify with you about being unable to exercise and gaining weight as a result. I have gained 8 pounds since I now spend most of my time on my posterior. This has to stop as I can't afford a new wardrobe.
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