Wednesday, September 12

The Top of the Table Competition

Last night, my boss - Mel Day, of Dogwood Tree Florals - took me to the annual gala fund-raiser for the local chapter of NACE (National Association of Catering Executives), titled The Top of the Table. The first three photos are of his entry, titled Autumn Sunset, in the weddings category. He didn't win, and I am puzzled by that, because his entry was elegance and simplicity personified; it accurately portrayed the colors of autumn and showed his creativity and expertise to a tee! One has to wonder what the judges were expecting!

The base of the arrangement.....

A detail of the top of the topiary....featuring garlands and baubles of amber crystal.

A table in the Sweet 16 category. No flowers here..... :-/

Another Sweet 16 entry.....

One of my favorites: "Good Year, Good Fortune" in the New Year's Eve category. An Asian splendor! Below is a detail of their table top.

"If I Could Turn Back Time", also in the New Year's Eve section.

I am not sure what the title of this one is, but it was also for New Year's Eve.

This is the top photo of an entry titled "H2O", in the "Water" category. It won best in the category and it may have won the best of the show - I couldn't hear well over all the commotion.
Most notable here, I think, is the decor on the floor under the glass-topped table.

The food was very, very good. There was a Moroccan buffet, featuring cous cous, minted oranges, wonderful mint tea, eggplant, hummus, pita points and some other stuff, with chicken on skewers that was excellent. Another buffet consisted of equally tasty foods, but more American in style. Small quiches, and other hors d' oeuvres, and some phyllo dough, rolled into a cylinder with cheese inside. Yummy! I had a new beer, at least one that was new to me - called Blue Moon. I liked it.

Mr. kenju comes home for good tomorrow, and it is not a minute too soon for him. His new bedroom is almost ready and lacks only a few personal effects, but that will be remedied tomorrow. I was told to arrive at the hospital promptly at 9:15 am - and I mostly do as I am told.....LOL


Joy Des Jardins said...

Oh my....those flowers are just gorgeous.....amazing. You must have enjoyed the night Judy....

I'm so glad to hear that Mr. Kenju is coming's always good to be home. Hope everything runs smoothly for both of you....

Michele said...

What a wonderful evening it must have been, and the flowers are simply delightful. I agree, the creation by your boss is glorious.

Speaking of wonderful, and yes I was, please follow along at home, how wonderful that Mr. Kenju comes home tomorrow.

Now, I told myself that this comment would not be complete until I have used the word wonderful at least five times.

So, please, continue to have a wonderful day!

Pat said...

I think he should have won. It just says 'mellow fruitfulness' to me

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I love seeing these Catering Table Competitions...And it must be great great fun going to this. The FOOD sounds devine, Judy...YUUUUMMMMM! I would no doubt gorge myself on these goodies.

A little premature, but...

TLP said...

I had no idea there were such competitions. It looks and sounds wonderful.

Good luck today and in the coming days. You have a lot on your plate.

AC said...

What artistic talent! I'd have loved the evening too.

Its really good to hear of the homecoming.

Anonymous said...

You deserved an evening of pampering and that menu sounded beyond words. The floral arrangements were fantastic. So much talent in the displays.

Glad to hear Mr.Kenju is on his way home. Being home I believe will really aid in increasing his stamina and move him more quickly toward recovery.

tiff said...

Sounds like a really fun night! Some of those tablescapes were totally over-the-top gorgeous.

Beverly said...

How stunning! Those arrangements are something like I've never seen before.

Yeah! for Mr. Kenju, and courage for you.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Great, Judy! I am glad with the good news from Mr. Kenju!

Wonderful flowers! Sounds you had a lovely night!

Jamie Dawn said...

Those tables are spectacular!
I'm so glad you attended such a fantastic event.
Good food and great creativity on display... what a wonderful evening.

I hope Mr. Kenju is comfy when he gets home, and I hope his health and mobility are fully restored in the very near future.

fakies said...

Those displays are unbelievable. I can't imagine how much work went into those.

awareness said...

What fun to see all of those decorative tables. I would've loved it.

As I'm writing, I'm thinking of you and Mr Kenju.....he must be home by now. Hope all is well the strength building and healing continues.

Shephard said...

I have to say, your boss's is my favorite of all those. What fun, and what great ideas you must get!

Moon said...

Your boss' was the best by far as far as I'm concerned. It's wonderful..the others are very nice but I have to ask..the last one, the H2O one...looks like a asian fountain of sorts? Maybe I am seeing it wrong but seems to totally obliterate the person sitting on the other side of the table if it was seating 4? Not the best situation for socializing ...or am I totally seeing the photo wrong? lol, Judy please let me know if I am lol,

Anonymous said...
