She has bestowed on me the designation of Rockin' Girl Blogger. I told her that some might take issue with the word "girl" used to describe me - but I take it as a compliment! Thanks, Kristi!
(If only I could figure out how to get it in my sidebar. I checked the template, but my memory of how to do it has flown out the window.) However, as you can see, I have finally learned how to do links properly! Hope I don't forget that too....lol.
I hope all of you have had a wonderful Independence Day.
Thanks, Judy!!! I know how to put the button in -- want me to send it to you? Just let me know if it's HTML or a picture. And congrats! Wish somebody would send me something cool to display!
I have enjoyed reading up on your posts and I am so glad to be be back home and TRYING to get into a routine.
Take care ROCKIN' girl!
Happy 4th of July!
Hello Again Kenju,
You were the very last person to play the special comment game, so you get the bad luck of being stuck with me as your visitor. Sorry!
Good choice! You are indeed a Rockin' Girl Blogger. Do you offer lessons?
Congratulations, kenju!!! I have seen that pretty pink button, hope to see it soon in your sidebar :)
Judy: my admiration knows no bounds regarding your links skill. Would that I could emulate you - I had it for a fleeting moment:)
Of course you are a girl - you're younger than I am and I'm still a girl. Anyway someone told me that, in the States you're a girl until you pop your clogs.
You Rock!
You deserve it, Judy! And age is a state of mind, only. :)
Hello. Michele sent me. Congratulations on becoming a "rocker girl"!
Congratulations on becoming a Rockin' Girl!
I knew you had it in you ;)
Well done - a great compliment indeed and well deserved!
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