Saturday, July 28

My Paper Dolls

This is the latest set from Mary Engelbreit. Don't you want to come over and play? I am going to find all of mine and start cutting them out so I can surprise my granddaughters when they come to visit. I'll show you more later on.
We had huge thunderstorms here yesterday, starting about 4pm. I was off-line all night, since the cable went out. I missed blogging, but I watched a 4-episode DVD of Monk and laughed all evening!


Catherine said...

I think I had paper dolls when I was a child. I haven't seen any for a long time, though. I didn't know you could still get them. As for your collection of strange names - I know someone called Tru Bliss! (Which is a much better name to have than some of those on your list, in my opinion). Here from Michele's tonight.

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Here from Michele's.

I bet my daughter would love those paper dolls, and I watched Jarhead last night and though it was a good movie, it wasn't a funny one.

Anonymous said...

I remember playing with paper dolls when I was a child. :-)

Have a great weekend! Michele sent me!

scrappintwinmom said... cute! I remember loving my paper dolls - and colorforms - but alas, they don't make either the way they used to! Here via Michele!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

That is ADORABLE! I love her stuff these drawing are very pleasing to my eye....! You know some body made a paper doll booklet of Betty Garrett---some years ago---it is quite wonderful. Maybe Google it and you can see how fun it is!

It is always a shock to my system when I cannot get on the Internet---for whatever the reason. LOL! Thank God it hasn't happened lately....Isn't "Monk" just perfect? LOVE Tony Shaloub!

BreadBox said...

My daughter, Boo, 4, loves paper dolls: and she is getting really really good at cutting them out neatly --- without us having to work on her, she's figured out how much happier she is when she doesn't cut off the dolls' legs!

Michele sent me to say Hey, Jude!

Spicy said...

How gorgeous! You should have put this pic on Photo Hunters this week. The subject was creative,,and that is very creative!

rosemary said...

I do want to come over. I'll bring Oreo's and punch. Do you keep the tabs on the clothes? For some reason I always cut the tabs off. I think I didn't find them usefull because the clothes fell off tabs or not. Did you have nay boy paper dolls? I had one...a friend of Betsy McCalls. Never a "man" paper doll.

utenzi said...

I heard that thunder Judy but we didn't get a single drop where I live. My lawn craves water, dammit. My local stations are in the Piedmont and they've had rain everyday this past week. I've gotten quite tired of them complaining about the cloudiness and rain!

Anonymous said...

I remember having paper dolls but being rather awkward at cutting them out. It was always my aunt who did that for me. But they were lovely

Jennie said...

That brings back memories. When my kids were littler, we took pictures of them in their undies, copied it a bit larger into a photo, cut it out and pasted the pics onto cardboard and made them into paper dolls. They had fun making their own styles to wear. (These were boys, but they didn't know paper dolls were actually a girl-thing. ;)

Duke_of_Earle said...


RE: The thunderstorm. You're welcome.


Michele said...

Oh, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE paper dolls. When I was four and five years old I would beg my Mother for a new book of paper dolls whenever we would go out. Then I would take the book to my grandfather, and he would sit at the table across from me and patiently cut them all out (they were not punch out ones than but actually cut out ones). Even today. when I hear mention of paper dolls, I am taken back to my much younger self and I am flooded with loving memories of my grandfather.

Did I mention that I LOVE paper dolls. I am headed over.