Is it any wonder that we have traffic problems? Click to enlarge. We had 23,500 people move here in from 2005 to 2006. No area is equipped to handle that many new people and be able to provide them with the services they require. If only all those magazines and polls would quit naming us the most desirable place in the country!
The problem isn't just the number, it's the number relative to the current population: the strain on the resources must be tremendous.
Do you have a sense of whether it is the young/old/with small kids/single who are moving there? That does make a significant difference to the types of stress imposed on the infrastructure...
Has your area got major urban sprawl?
My son works for a large company and is currently working in New Jersey just outside of New York City. Two months ago he was told he is being transferred to Greensboro.He went down there and came back raving about the place. He loved it. His house is now on the market in N.J. and the minute it is sold he will add to the throng of new people coming to N.C..
His dad and I are also pleased because we know it will be a great place to visit.
The reason for your growth is that Florida is full so we're sending "them" your way!
Sandpoint shares your pain. We have two ways to get into/out of town...95 from the south and 2 from the west. If anything happens on either of those main drives, we are sc*****. Traffic is horrible any day, but have an accident and that's it. There has been debate for over 50 years on the traffic problems and the need for a byway so no trucks go thru town which is a one way street. Talk about taking your time making a decision. Add to that being named a best place 4 times in a year...ouch.
I understand completely. Things never stay the same though. Yes, many people from Florida are looking for more desirable places to live...if they can only sell their houses.
as I occassionally drive through the RDU area heading to Wilmington(it's been over a year as the last couple of trips, I've flown), I know what a nightmare traffic can be. I wouldn't want to live there!
The polls will stop thus naming your area soon. It'll be too crowded to be desirable!
That's what happens when a great place gets so much attention.
I've been there several times, and it is a very nice part of the country to live.
What does it feel like to live in such a popular place? That kind of groeth can really cause horrific...HITONIOUS traffic problems...! Cause, each one of those is pribably a two car family...So, that multiply's the number of cars on the road, even more-so! All I can say is...I know somewhat about that kind of incresed traffic...Los Angeles seems to be a very popular place to move and more people are miving here, than leaving here....Sooooo, traffic is HITONIUS!
Oddly enough I have a friend moving there this year!! Our new house is in the fastest growing county in the state. Something wrong here.
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