I don't mean he's lost, of course; he's coming back on Friday the 13th of July, and you can read about it here:
Mr. kenju kept telling me that I needed to watch Monk, since he swears that I have symptoms of OCD. I don't... I swear. I'm just a little bit obsessive; not compulsive at all.....LOL. So, I started renting the DVD's of past seasons. I wanted to watch them in order, but the first one was not in the store until recently. I have seen 12 episodes now (3 to a DVD) from the first season. Know what? I can't wait to see all the rest of them AND watch the new season. Monk (the character) slays me. Tony Shalhoub is a great actor, as are most of the others on the show. And he's funny. If you've never watched Monk, I recommend you do. Then maybe you'll get obsessed, like I am!
(I wrote this before I learned how to do links and I'm too lazy to change it...LOL)
I haven't seen this show, kenju. But I guess I will next week, if I can find out who is broadcasting it over here! Miehele sent me your way but I would have come anyways :)
We have this show here, and I think we all have ocd deep inside, hehehe. Hope you had a great 4th, I haven't been blogging much lately, unfortunately, I really miss reading all blogs and specially your stories. Happy Friday Judy!
I LOVE and ADORE Monk! So funny!
I'm a little monkish myself. But my husband is not at all OCD and he loves Monk too.
Love Monk! It's addicting, isn't it? Love Shalhoub.We no longer have cable but anxiously await the arrival of Season 5, Disc 1 from Netflix!
We own seasons 1-3, that's how Monk-crazy we are! ;-)
I love Monk!! I stopped watching it after the "incident" with "the Canadian" because I found myself pointing out landmarks of places I visited while in Vancouver. Isn't that the silliest thing?
my name is rosemary and I am O/C. No doubt about it...I'll have to give this show a look. Congrats on the award.
Monk is an exellent show. I see it in France and it's very funny. :o)
I like Monk too. I also remember Tony Shaloub in an old Frazier episode where he complained "you got YooHoo on my Dockers". I'm still laughing, just rethinking it.
I have the new season set to record on our DVR.
We used to watch Monk without fail, but then we stopped watching it. I caught up on some of the past couple seasons, and I'm ready to start watching it again. It's such a fun, funny show. It's sweet.
You can't help but like Monk!
My family calls me Monk because I keep anti-bacterial wipes in my purse and use them often, especially whenever we go out to eat.
I also like a very organized house. I guess I am a bit Monk-like, and you probably are too. :-)
I haven't seen more than bits and pieces here and there. If I were to watch TV for entertainment, which is very rare, I would watch this show. It is clever and does not insult one's intelligence as so many do.
Michele sent me,
I love Monk. The show is clever and the character is very sympathetic.
Tony Shalhoub is always funny. I loved him in Wings and his guest shot on Frasier, and he was extra wonderful in Stark Raving Mad; I was so sad that didn't catch on because he was just wonderful in it.
I gladly bless anyone who can make me laugh like he does.
I love this show. They have it here in the UK but I havent seen any on order.
Oh boy, do I love Monk!! There isn't much on TV that I like but I LOVE Monk.
My husband was something like Monk, liked things just so, so I get an extra kick out of his show,
There have been a few specials where they have Monk on TV ALL DAY and even though I have seen many of his shows, I still enjoy seeing them again like watching Raymond reruns.
The Nooze (age 6) LOVES Monk. Every time there is a Monk Marathon on USA, she BEGS to watch it.
I usually let her, since I love it, too!
I used to watch this show all the time! It's hilarious! I've stopped, but every so often I catch re-runs on the cable channels. I'll look for it to come back again. Friday the 13th? how perfect is that? LOL
I've heard great things about Monk but have never watched it either. I loved the photo of your grandson with his first catch.
Tony Shaloub is a brilliant axtor....Sometime Judy, if you haven't seen this film---Of course I cannot remember the name of it----It's with Tony Shaloub and Stanley Tucci and they play two brothers who come to America from Italy and open an Italian Restaurant...it is such a sweet dear film....And both these guys are "master" actors....I will go IMDB it and get back to you with the proper name.
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