Tuesday, July 17

A Bird in the Hand.....

This woman lives in a hummingbird migration zone in Louisiana. She got the hummingbirds used to her presence by standing beside the feeder, and then one day she put a small red dish of sugar water in her hand. This is the result.


BreadBox said...

How amazing! Hi Judy --- Michele didn't send me today, though she might have had she known I was coming...

Anonymous said...

My husband will be so jealous! He is bereft in not having any HBs come to our feeder. Awesome photos.

Loren said...

Perhaps good photographs of hummingbirds just aren’t enough.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I had seen this---a friend emailed it to me a month or so ago...I could not get over it! Isn't that just the BEST?

It's great to see it again and be reminded that many things take patience and stick-to-itiveness...
If I thought I could get the hummingbirds here to do that, I would get me a red dish immediately!

rosemary said...

I love our hummers, but they are nasty little devils most of the time. They dive bomb each other, peck at butts, wings and necks and Steve will not go out in a red shirt....AND....if we happen to be sitting in the wrong place at the right time....a wet head.

tiff said...

Oh wow!!! That is really cool.

Tabor said...

Oh truly super cool...this is my next project. I've got the hummingbird feeder out and a few birds stop buy...more large beige ants visit though.

Moon said...

OMG!!! THATS AMAZING!!! How special is that...I was just agog when I saw those pics lol.

Badabing said...

That is really great. I've never seen so many hummingbirds at one time.

michelle said...

that is amazing! wow! how cool is that!

Thumper said...

Whoa...that is amazing. A whole lot cooler than ticking the hummingbirds off, as we seem to have done with some fake flowers in the back yard...

Anna said...

These are great. I will be in Raleigh on Sunday Judy. I would love to see you while I am there....

Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

wow, amazing.

Alice said...

Oh my gosh! That is so amazing! I think hummingbirds are so much fun to watch...thanks for this Judy!

Kay Dennison said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Judy,

I love these pictures. Thanks for showing them to us.

Crimson said...

i've never seen a hummin'bird in MY yard in Louisiana!! WOW!!

Tony Gasbarro said...


1. set up hummingbird feeder

2. stand near feeder, get birds used to your presence

3. open hand(s) to reveal red cap with sugar water, much to hummingbirds' delight

4. close hand(s) quickly...hummingbird soup!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

How are you feeling Judy? Better, I hope...Just checking in to see if you are okay, my dear. Take Good Care!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely series!

Kristi said...

Amazing photos. This reminds me that I want to get a bird feeder for outside one of our windows so Isabella can watch them eat.

Jamie Dawn said...

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to do that!!!!
Hummingbirds are so wonderful!

Anonymous said...

My younger sister loves hummingbirds. She will die of envy when she see this. Thanks for sharing.

utenzi said...

That's amazing, Judy. I can't even be within 10 feet of a feeder before they fly away--I can't imagine hummingbirds getting that close to me.

barbie2be said...

those are amazing photos!

Duke_of_Earle said...

Unbelievable! And I thought Carol had some good hummingbird pics.



sage said...

Now that is neat!

Anonymous said...

These are such amazing pictures, Kenju. Thanks for sharing them.

I had heard that story about the motorcycle guy ages ago. Now I would say that was really a bad day!