Our Day in Court.....
Something I read in a blog the other day (I think it was Wordnerd's mention of something gross that happened in the courthouse where she spends her days) made me remember the day that my daughter was sworn into the NC Bar. She had missed the special day that was set aside for the nearly 400 people who had recently passed the bar exam to be sworn in, and had to make a special trip to the courthouse for that purpose. She tried to downplay it, and didn't really want her parents there (especially one toting a camera), but we insisted that we accompany her on this momentous (to us) occasion.
The swearing in was supposed to happen before the court convened for the day, and we expected the room to be mostly empty. Imagine our surprise when we opened the door to see every row filled to capacity, with standing room only! A great number of the people present had on the familiar orange jumpsuits which are given to the residents of our jail, and some even sported ankle chains. They were surrounded by their various supporters and family members; attorneys, paralegals, bailiffs, etc.
We were told to go into the judges' chambers, and he met us there while he was donning his robe. He asked our daughter some questions, mostly small talk, and told us to come into the court room, where he would administer the oath.
Following them out into the courtroom, we took up position along the side wall, since there was no place to sit. It turned out to be the best place in the room, from which to view what was happening. After the judge announced the new attorney, he asked the audience to welcome her. He began to clap while beckoning them to do likewise. It was the funniest sight to me - a courtroom full of criminals, with big, toothy smiles; clapping loudly and waving - all for the new attorney. I guess they didn't realize that she could be the next one to haul them into court.
Note: she is not that kind of attorney, though, so they needn't have worried anyway.....LOL
What a great story, Mrs. Kenju! And what an honor to see her get sworn in. I went to my own son's swearing in for State Court at the law school where he graduated. He did the federal privately, so I didn't get a picture either.
How I wish you could show us a photo with all those jumpsuits. By the way, my son is a criminal defender. Yikes.
That is a great story! More special than the rest of the attorneys getting sworn in.
That's a great story Judy....And truly memorable! (No pictures...lol?)
I went to a friends swearing in after he passed the bar here in California and it was held at The Bonnaventure Hotel in their HUGE Ballroom, there were so very many New Lawyers! I DID take pictures and everyone seemed to be doing, too! But it certainly didn't have the wonderful Audience your daughter had!
Great story Judy.
Great story!
Thank you for sharing it with us.
That would be a memorable swearing in!
Have a great day!
Thanks for sharing another good story!
Have a good Monday...
Good way to start a new career....none of my children have professions that require that type of proud moment. Great memory
Good story! Now, where are all the pics taken by the one toting the camera, hmmmm?? ;)
What a great story! I wonder what profession my three boys will choose! :-)
I love listening to (or reading in this case) family stories...a little insight into a family history... Thanks for sharing!
Wonderful story! one in which the criminals make one smile!
How fortunate for you to have a daughter who is a lawyer and secondly to have been present for this unusual swearing in ceremony.
Those kinds of memories are the best :)
how much more memorable than the swearing in with 400 others! I can picture the courtroom filled with all walks of life taking in the ceremony with you and your family. It would make a great scene in a TV show....something out of David Kelley's imagination.
Wouldn't it be interesting to know what each of those with the orange jumpsuits were there for? Quite an unusual crowd.
OH, thanks for sharing this story..I was all smiles by the time I finished reading it lol. I can just imagine the sight to behold lol.
I'd definitely saying passing the bar is a momentous occasion too, Judy. Many people try to get there but relatively few who start law school ever do pass the bar. It's quite an accomplishment.
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