Tuesday, February 13

Happy Valentine's Day to All My Blog Buddies!!

Several years ago, I bought a packet of six cards at a gift shop, mainly because they were made by women here in this area. The brand name for the cards was "Many Hands Greeting Cards", a non-profit enterprise of the Women's Center of Wake County. Their motto is:

Women Helping Women Help Themselves

Isn't that a wonderful idea? The cards even have a space on the rear for the artist/creator to sign her name. I have kept this card for about three years now; I can't bring myself to use it, for some reason. Maybe that's because YOU were supposed to see it? Now that I have presented it to you - I can feel free to pass it on to someone else next Valentine's Day...LOL

Last year, along with a few neighbors, I took a class in stamping and card-making. The sales rep brought samples of her company's wares and showed us how to make greeting cards using pre-cut card stock, along with rubber stamps. The ones we made first were ladybugs and they were charming. I will post that and another one in the post below this one. It was a lot of fun, and I would have liked the opportunity to make more, so that I could correct the mistakes I made. But I didn't let that seduce me into buying the many rubber stamps or the cutouts because by the time you buy all that - you could buy a whole arm-load of cards at your local shop!
Scroll down for a set of pics and open comments.

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